Welcome to the Ringwood Schools Health Services. The Ringwood Public Schools Nurses are essential members of the educational team. Our mission is to foster growth, development and educational achievement of all students by promoting health and wellness, in a safe and supportive environment. We are committed to meeting the health needs of individual students through collaboration with public and private agencies and health care providers, we advocate for students, their families and the school community. 

Philosophy of School Health 

The National Association of School Nurses defines school nursing as “A specialized practice of professional nursing that advances the well-being, academic success, and lifelong achievement of students. To that end, school nurses facilitate positive student response to normal development, promote health and safety, intervene with actual and potential health problems, provide case management services and actively collaborate with others to build student and family capacity for adaptation, self-management, self-advocacy and learning.” 

Ringwood Public School Nurses endorse the following beliefs developed by the American School Health Association and The National Association of School Nurses: 

  •  Every child is entitled to educational opportunities that will allow him/her to reach full capacity as an individual and prepare him/her for responsibility as a citizen. 

  •  Every child is entitled to a level of health which permits maximum utilization of educational opportunities. 

  • The school health program, through the components of health service, health education and concern for the environment, provides knowledge and understanding on which to base decisions for the promotion and protection of individual, family and community health. 

  • Parents have the basic responsibility for the health of their children, the school health program exists to assist parents in carrying out their responsibilities. 

  • The core roles that the school nurse fulfills to foster student health and educational success include; providing/coordinating screening and referral for health conditions, promoting a health school environment, promoting/providing health education, serving in leadership roles for health policies and programs, acting as a liaison between school personnel, family, health care professionals and the community. 


At times it may be hard to know when to keep your child home from school due to illness. Here are some rules of thumb that may be helpful: 

  • If a child has vomiting or diarrhea in the morning -- they should stay home. 

  • If a child has a fever – 100.5 degrees or higher, they MUST stay home for 24 hours after the fever has subsided without the use of fever reducing medication. 

  • If a child complains of sore throat in combination with headache and /or vomiting, it is suspicious for strep throat. If they have strep throat, they MUST stay home until they have taken antibiotics for 24 hours. 

  • If a child has discharge or crusting from eyes, please consult the pediatrician for possible pink eye. If they are diagnosed with pink eye they MUST be treated and be discharge-free before returning to school. 


  • If your child sustains an injury that requires sutures, a cast, immobilizer, crutches, etc. or has sustained a head injury, please contact me regarding the injury. If your child cannot participate in any activity, i.e. PE, a doctor’s note is required that indicates the injury, the length of the restriction and a return to play date. Please send this note to the Health Office with your child upon returning to school. 


  • If your child requires any medication, (including over the counter pain medication Ibuprofen, acetaminophen etc.) a doctor’s order from the child’s private physician MUST be provided to the health office. New doctor’s orders are required each school year. You can find district medication forms, below. Orders filled out by your doctor MUST include the name of the student, the name of the medication, the dosage, the time to be given and the frequency to be medicated. They must be dated, stamped and signed by your physician. Parental permission is also required before medication may be given in school by means of parental signature on the doctor’s order.


Concussion Facts For Parents
Diabetes Emergency Action Plan NJ
Diabetes Plan

District Approved Foods List
Food Allergy Emergency Action Plan NJ
Head Lice
Meningococcal Invasive Disease Brochure 
Scoliosis Screening Form
Seizure Action Plan
Sudden Cardiac Death in young athletes
Parent Instruction Sheet For Head Lice


6th grade required immunizations
Immunizations /Physical Health Record
Request to Administer Medication in School